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Offering local high school students aviation scholarships since 2014.
Located in Williamsburg, VA


jay pearsall
Before I can remember, I wanted to fly! I started flying lessons in 1974 (age 16), and eventually became a Private Pilot. After college, I entered US Air Force pilot training and graduated into an F-16 assignment. I flew the F-16 for 25 years, and then was again fortunate to transition into the F-22 Raptor for my last year and a half of service. Since retiring with 27 years in both the active duty and Air National Guard, I continue to fly light aircraft for enjoyment. I hope to encourage today's youth to follow in my path and become pilots for life. So, 2017 is my 43d year of flying, logged over 4,600 flight hours, and I'm not ready to stop flying yet!
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